Common Ground is pleased to announce Keiji Ishida’s Solo Exhibition “Home is Home.” The show contains a collection of paintings and drawings inspired by Los Angeles culture and community.
In addition to the art, there will be prints and books made by the artist in collaboration with the gallery. The show is from 12/15 (Fri)-12/17 (Sun) at @projectlab_tokyo in Tokyo, and 12/22 (Fri)- 12/24 (Sun) at @thegrounddepot_101 in Osaka, Japan. Keiji Ishida, born in Aichi, Japan in 1999. His family moved to California when he was 2 years old. He started skateboarding at a very young age and began creating artwork using skateboarding as the subject matter.
He studied Illustration Design at the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles, CA. During his studies, he worked as an assistant for Jim Shaw and Cleon Peterson, and he has a close relationship with Jim Shaw, with whom he has worked both publicly and privately.
While in school, he collaborated with a number of companies such as Target, Huf Worldwide, Converse, Nozbone Skateshop, Giant Robot, etc. At the age of 19, he became a guest artist for Apple in France and contributed his work. Currently, he is working as a designer for Lakai Footwear, a skate shoe brand, while continuing his own creative activities.
In the past, he has held solo exhibitions in the U.S. and France.
This will be his first solo exhibition in Japan.

COMMON GROUNDでは、石田敬児による個展”HOME is HOME”を2023年12月15日から17日まで東京PROJECT LAB.で、12月22日から24日まで大阪THE GROUND depot.にて開催します。
LAのArtCenter College of Designにて本格的にイラストレーションを学びます。在学中はJim Shaw、Cleon Petersonのアシスタントを務め、特にJim Shaw氏との交流は深く公私を共にする師弟関係です。
在学中よりTarget, Huf Worldwide, Converse, Nozbone Skateshop. Giant Robot と言った様々な企業とコラボレーション。
東京PROJECT LAB.でのオープニングレセプションでは、今年日本に初上陸したシアトルのハンバーガー店Lil Woody’sを楽しむことができます。12月15日開催のレセプションではアーティストが在廊しています。
COMMON GROUNDの2023年の締めくくりの企画として、日本を代表するランドマークである東京・原宿と大阪・南堀江の2拠点で開催。沢山のご来場をお待ちしております。

Keiji Ishida
IG: @im_keiji